Philosophy Monthly
Timofei Gerber
J.S. Mill and the Evaluation of Political Ideas
Some Notes on Clichés, and then some
What is “any” life? Delimitations of the biographical in “It’s Such a Beautiful Day” (2012)
Hannah Arendt: Culture as Care and Resistance
The Pragmatism of William James
On Kierkegaard and the Autobiographical Self
Wilhelm Reich on Class Consciousness and Voluntary Servitude
Wilhelm Reich über Klassenbewusstsein und die freiwillige Knechtschaft
Wilhelm Reich on Pleasure and the Genesis of Anxiety
Spinoza and “Anti-Oedipus.” On Desiring One’s Own Suppression
Marx and “Anti-Oedipus.” On Desiring One’s Own Suppression
Marx and “Anti-Oedipus.” Production, Distribution, Fetishism
Frantz Fanon: Anticolonial Revolutions and Revolutionary Theory
Revisiting Adorno’s “Jargon of Authenticity” (1964)
Bergson, Daydreamers, and Sticklers: Seeking Individuation in Laughter
A Short Meditation on Grief
Kierkegaardian Love and Resignation
Eros and Thanatos: Freud’s two fundamental drives
What is Vitalism?
A Few Notes on Identity Politics
Thinking the Political with Thomas Hobbes
Narrating Life. Dimensions of the Biographical in “Millenium Actress”
Revisiting The Art-Life Balance In “The Square”
Transcendence through Suffering. A Eulogy to Martyrdom
Chaplin’s Stuttering Body. The Utopian Potential of Film
On Absurdity. Adorno, Beckett, and the Demise of Existentialism
Coraline and Freud. Distinguishing Being and Semblance
Crashing the Metaphysical Party: Walter Benjamin on Knowing and Thinking
Kierkegaard’s Patience
A Few Notes On Post-Modernism
Adorno’s Negativity: Suffering Devoid of Sense, Sense Without Suffering
Finding Meaning in Decay: Bill Morrison’s DECASIA
Bergson — Philosophy as Attention
Anomalisa, or The Effort of Recognition
Plotting Escape Routes: Individuation in 1984 and Brazil (1985)