Issue #13 May 2018

Crooks, Elitists, and the Progress of Philosophy

Jean Dubuffet — Coucou Bazar

Secondly, even if you’re right, the question is how big that differential is. I don’t think there are many hard-core communists left who are really believe that people who work and study hard shouldn’t have greater reward than those who don’t. But that has to be proportionate; that’s the real problem. If the gap between those groups becomes too large, then I think it’s unjust. But even if you think it’s not socially unjust, it becomes simply unsustainable when you lose the consent of a large part of the population for the system. Therefore, the system either gets overthrown or the system has to maintain itself by some kind of tyranny.

Jean Dubuffet — Le Festoyeur (1964)
Jean Dubuffet — Tasse de Thé VII (1967)

Daniel Rhodes earned his B.A. in Philosophy from the University of Pennsylvania. He spends his time researching emerging technologies for Descript Software, providing political analysis for the Hudson Institute’s Center for Political-Military Analysis, and avoiding suggestions that he “finally get a real job.”


May 2018


Crooks, Elitists, and the Progress of Philosophy

Daniel Rhodes in conversation with Julian Baggini

The Problems of Science: What We Do to Things When We Study Them

by Maarten van Doorn

Defending the Classical Languages from the Charges of Racism

by Carl O’Brien

Practicing ‘Literariness’: a reminder for philosophers and philosophasters

by Cary Campbell

The Harmonic Void: Descartes’ Extended Substance

by John C. Brady