Issue #14 June 2018

Kant and The Idealists’ Reality Problem

Transcendental. Empirical. Real. Ideal.


Berkeleyian Space

Transcendental Idealism

Empirical Realism

· · ·


John C. Brady is a student of philosophy and educator situated in Beijing. He gets most of his reading done in traffic jams. He is also a co-editor of this magazine, by way of full disclosure.

Works Cited


June 2018


The Owl At Dusk: Hegel’s Philosophy of Learning

by Antonio Wolf

Kant and The Idealists’ Reality Problem

by John C. Brady

Revisiting The Art-Life Balance In “The Square”

by Timofei Gerber

Kierkegaard on the Paradox of Faith and Political Commitment

by Lancelot Kirby