Issue #02 May 2017

Bergson with “Deleuze’s Grounding Heuristic”

Hyland Mather, (2017),

“our intelligence thinks of the origin and the evolution of all this (world) as an arrangement and rearrangement of parts that would be doing nothing more than changing places. Therefore it could, in theory, anticipate any state of arrangement and assembly; by starting with a definite number of stable elements, one is implicitly furnishing oneself in advance with all possible combinations.” (Bergson)

Protocell model, Janet Iwasa, Szostak Laboratory, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital

“For the possible is merely the real with, in addition, an act of the mind which propels therefrom the image into the past the moment it is produced.” (Bergson)

“How does one not see that if the event is always explained after the fact by such and such preceding events, a completely different event would also be explained well, in the same circumstances, … Ultimately by the same antecedents cut differently, distributed differently, perceived differently in retrospect? From the front backwards a constant remodeling of the past by the present, of the cause by the effect.” (Bergson)

John C. Brady is a perennial student of philosophy and educator situated in Beijing. He gets most of his reading done in traffic jams. He is also a co-editor of this magazine, by way of full disclosure.


May 2017


Freud on The Subject/Object Division

by John C. Brady

Anomalisa, or The Effort of Recognition

by Timofei Gerber

Enframing, Inhabitation, Skateboarding

by Justin Richards

Individualism from a Hegelian Perspective

by Cheong Cheng Wen

Bergson with “Deleuze’s Grounding Heuristic”

an extended discussion by John C. Brady