Issue #19 January 2019

Against Ontology: A Naturalist Critique on Two Varieties of Mathematical Structuralism

Carlo Bernardini — Codice Spaziale (2009)

1. Geometric definition: “the ratio of any circle’s circumference to diameter”

2. Gottfried Leibniz’ series: 1–1/3+1/5–1/7+1/9–…=π/4

3. Buffon’s needle in probability theory: a statistical approximation of π by dropping needles on a grid of parallel lines

4. Gaussian integrals

5. Machin’s formula

Carlo Bernardini — Aprite la luce (2011)

Born in Seoul, Korea, Jio Jeong is a student at Seoul International School pursuing the philosophy of mathematics. This summer, she served as a research intern under Professor Scott Weinstein of the University of Pennsylvania.

Works Cited


January 2019


The Continuity of Being: C.S. Peirce’s Philosophy of Synechism

by Brian Kemple

Against Ontology: A Naturalist Critique on Two Varieties of Mathematical Structuralism

by Jio Jeong

Some Notes on Foucault on Discourse

by John C. Brady

What is Vitalism?

by Timofei Gerber