Issue #30 April 2020

Beyond the Ruins of Neoliberalism: Diagnosing the Present and Demanding the Future

Giovanni Battista Piranesi — The Tomb of Nero — (ca. 1748)

Universal Economisation

Markets, Morals, and the Neoliberal Framework

Giovanni Battista Piranesi — “The Skeletons” — (1748)

Neoliberal Technosystems and Automation

Demand a Post-Work Future


Matt Bluemink is a philosopher and writer from London. His main interests are the connections between philosophy, literature, technology and culture. He is based in Isidora, IC and has a burgeoning interest in the concept of cities and urbanism. He is the founder and editor of

Works Cited


For Foucault, Human Capital represents two processes, “one that we could call the extension of economic analysis into a previously unexplored domain, and second, on the basis of this, the possibility of giving a strictly economic interpretation of a whole domain previously thought to be non-economic” (Foucault, 2010, p. 219).


Srnicek and Williams also provide a similar analysis of neoliberalism’s impact on the world of work. They claim that as neoliberalism forces increasing levels of competition amongst workers due to lack of low skilled jobs, there becomes “aggressive efforts to reduce higher education to glorified job training. The overall societal aim becomes the production of competitive subjects undergoing constant self-improvement in an endless effort to be deemed ‘employable’” (ITF, p.99).


See their discussion of ‘Folk Politics’ in chapters 1 and 2 of Inventing the Future.


The Walter Lippmann Colloquium brought together classical liberal theorists, the new German ordoliberals, the British LSE liberals, and Austrian economists such as Friendrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises (ITF, p.54).


A closed intellectual network which included almost all of the important figures in the creation of neoliberalism, also including members of the Austrian School, UK liberals, the Chicago school, the German ordoliberals and a French contingent (ITF, p. 54).


In ‘Robots and Capitalism’ (1997) Tessa Morris-Suzuki claims that the most recent wave of automation has encompassed every aspect of the economy including data collection and new kinds of production and services. In 1970 there were only 1000 robots in industrial circulation, today there are multiple millions and this trend looks to continue (p. 15–17).


A term they use to denote the period of time in which economic growth returns after a crisis but job growth remains stagnant (ITF, p. 94). They adopt this term from Ben Bernanke’s (2003) paper presented at the Global Economic and Investment Outlook Conference.


It should be noted that ‘work’ here for Srnicek and Williams refers to the inability to choose what one does in order to survive.


Among many other things. See ‘Post-Work Imaginaries’ (ITF, p. 108–127).


In Sleepers Wake! Technology and the Future of Work (1982) Barry Jones details how from the 40s through to the 70s UBI had become a staple idea in the reformation of the US economy, being considered as an option by 3 separate US administrations with presidents Nixon and Carter respectively attempting to pass legislation to put it into practice.


April 2020


The Values of the Australian Bushfires

by Diane Delaurens

Beyond the Ruins of Neoliberalism: Diagnosing the Present and Demanding the Future

by Matt Bluemink

Marx and “Anti-Oedipus.” Production, Distribution, Fetishism

by Timofei Gerber

On Antinatalism and Depression

by Sam Woolfe