< Index


Semiotics of the End: After the End of All Things
Berkeley/Norinaga/Marx: Money, capital, “solarpunk”, others
Doing (the) Nothing: Eric Santner and Giorgio Agamben on Suspending the Apparatus of Glory
Money and the dance of the three: Marx; Motoori Norinaga
Vital Signs: Capitalism, Aspiration, and Intensity
Too Much or Never Enough: Excess, Success, and Happiness under Capitalism
The Gig Economy, Flexibility, and Workplace Freedom
Sovereign Disregard: On Bataille’s Accursed Share
Marx and “Anti-Oedipus.” On Desiring One’s Own Suppression
Marx and “Anti-Oedipus.” Production, Distribution, Fetishism
Beyond the Ruins of Neoliberalism: Diagnosing the Present and Demanding the Future
Manufacturing Authenticity: How We Yearn for the Real and Fall for the Fake
A Decolonial Feminism
How Neoliberalism Failed to Keep Fascism at Bay
Who Are The Sellouts?
A Guide to Timothy Morton’s Humankind
Chaplin’s Stuttering Body. The Utopian Potential of Film
The Political Dimensions of Time: A Polemic
A Few Notes On Post-Modernism