< Index

Heidegger‚ Martin

The Motion and Energy of Technology: A Philosophical Investigation
Heidegger’s Bots: The Birth and Death of Responsible Artificial Intelligence
Deleuze/Heidegger: Motivation and method in Plato’s search for the simulacrum
The Path’s Forking: Toward a dialetheic account of Heidegger’s Truth
A Transcendental Reading of Heidegger’s ‘What is Metaphysics?’
The Agency of Objects
Pulling the Normative Threads of Heidegger’s ‘Das Man’
Heidegger’s “The Being of the Entities Encountered in the Environment”
Nietzsche’s Rift: Heidegger’s Pathway to Thinking
What is Dasein?
Giving Thanks: Heidegger’s Pathway into Thinking
Enframing, Inhabitation, Skateboarding
Heidegger’s “Question of Technology”