Issue #01 April 2017


Rather than forming its hoped for outside that can be escaped to, the myth forms the ever present of the city, whether that be the myth of Oedipus and its authoritarian vs capitalist formulations, the dreams and fantasies that overlay our cities and inform their construction, the myths our present society retroactively posits in its own past to ground itself, or the mythic play of creativity that creates a geography in the first place. Everywhere is the pressing question, what myths are our technologies, social as well as material, whispering into our ears at night as we dream?


April 2017


Heidegger’s “Question of Technology”

by Justin Richards

Concept: Using a Deleuzian Axiom as Heuristic

by John C. Brady

Plotting Escape Routes: Individuation in 1984 and Brazil (1985)

by Timofei Gerber

Astral Escapism, or “Collective Dreaming in The Visage of China”

by Jordan Mitchell

The White and Almost Bones

poetry by Brendan De Paor-Moore