Issue #31 May 2020

Gilles Deleuze: Tracing Genesis in Kant’s Critique of Judgment

James Abbott McNeill Whistler — Nocturne in Blue and Silver. The Lagoon, Venice

The Analytic of the Beautiful I — the problem described

The Sublime — genesis sketched

James McNeill Whistler — Nocturne Blue and Silver. Battersea Reach

The Analytic of the Beautiful II — a transcendental genesis

Genius — the communication of genesis

Conclusion — geneses unified

Derek Hampson is an artist and writer, his main area of interest is exploring connections between figurative painting and aspects of continental philosophy. Website:

Works Cited

Gilles Deleuze: Desert Islands and Other Texts 1953–74, 2004 Semiotext(e), pp. 56–71.


May 2020


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Gilles Deleuze: Tracing Genesis in Kant’s Critique of Judgment

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