With the world being currently pressed upon by entities that play out their lives in nano-meters, it perhaps might be worthwhile to return to the question of objects and their secrets. This motif is perhaps as old as us. What strange spirits and forces dwell within a lump of clay? And what progress we made on this question (!), the de-spiritualization of it, in pondering and prodding the category of the infinitesimal. Nonetheless, these vanishing nanoscopic infinities reveal yet more bleak wastelands — pressing back upon us with their cold winds and demands for patience, and the things laugh and keep their secrets, all the while playing their fateful hands in a game we can only guess the rules of.
That the resistance of objectivity has made its reappeareance in an ‘invisible’ form indubitably has an ironic flair in the context of consumerism, where each object has become a source of pleasure, of profit, and is marked by universal disposability. Conversely, our resistance to this resistance might render visible just what kind of individual our ‘material’ world has produced: insolent, egotistical, conceited. If it wasn’t just incredibly sad, one might be tempted to admire the incredible productivity that this block within the objective world, including science that, understandably, hasn’t been able to present any ready-made solution, has triggered, and, quasi-psychoanalytically, transferred from the realm of real-world interaction to the world of phantasma and paranoia: the production of bullshit in the guise of conspiracy theories and pseudo-science. What a time to be alive.