< Index

Deleuze‚ Gilles

Max Ernst and the Schizoanalysis of Nature
Between Historical Reduction & Metaphysical Construction: Critiques of Representation in Foucault and Deleuze
Deleuze’s “The Logic of Sense”, (Chapter 9, Ninth Series of the Problematic)
Deleuze on Ideas, Dialectics, and Multiplicities
Deleuze’s “Ideas and The Synthesis of Difference”
Bergson on Problems
Deleuze/Heidegger: Motivation and method in Plato’s search for the simulacrum
Concepts Between Kant and Deleuze: From Transcendental Idealism to Transcendental Empiricism
Spinoza and “Anti-Oedipus.” On Desiring One’s Own Suppression
On Virtuality: Deleuze, Bergson, Simondon
Deleuze on Problems, Singularities, and Events
Gilbert Simondon and the Process of Individuation
Marx and “Anti-Oedipus.” On Desiring One’s Own Suppression
Gilles Deleuze: Tracing Genesis in Kant’s Critique of Judgment
Marx and “Anti-Oedipus.” Production, Distribution, Fetishism
Deleuze’s “The Logic of Sense”, (Chapters 1 & 2)
Revisiting The Art-Life Balance In “The Square”
Navigating Post Truth: Nietzsche Contra Plato
Deleuze’s “The Image of Thought”
Deleuze on Sense, Series, Structures, Signifiers and Snarks (Part B)
Deleuze on Sense, Series, Structures, Signifiers and Snarks (Part A)
Bergson with “Deleuze’s Grounding Heuristic”
Plotting Escape Routes: Individuation in 1984 and Brazil (1985)
Concept: Using a Deleuzian Axiom as Heuristic