#79 February 2025
- Introduction
- The Motion and Energy of Technology: A Philosophical Investigation Taylor J. Green
- Alfred North Whitehead and the Bifurcation of Nature Brendan Shine
- Transfiguring Desire: Ascetic Reordering in Solovyov, Florensky, and Eastern Thought John Hartley
- J.S. Mill and the Evaluation of Political Ideas Timofei Gerber
#78 January 2025
- Introduction
- “Eternity by the Stars” & “Now-Time” on Earth: Rethinking Revolution with Blanqui & Benjamin Vernita Zhai
- History from the Underground: Dostoevsky on Freedom and Necessity Tyson Retz
- The Seen and the Unseen in Pieter Bruegel the Elder and William Carlos Williams Turner Roth
- Dreaming Life Ermanno Bencivenga
#77 December 2024
- Introduction
- Defeating White Supremacy By Living A New World Into Being Ron Richardson
- Freedom, God, and Ground: An Introduction to Schelling’s 1809 Freedom Essay Christopher Satoor
- Art: Three Degrees of Psychoanalytic Involvement Ermanno Bencivenga & Nuccia Bencivenga
- A Philosophical Proposal for Guaranteeing Equality Before the Law By Way of Unborn Children Raphael Chim
#76 October 2024
- Introduction
- Transgressing the Taboo: A Comparative Analysis of Bataille’s and Freud’s Theoretical Approaches Tung-Wei Ko
- Is it Morally Permissible to Create AI Androids Merely to Serve us? Elliott R. Crozat
- Diverse Thoughts on the Lightly Enlightened, circa 17th Century France, Part V Trent Portigal
- Untimely Contributions and Uncanny Meditations on the Philosophy of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Will Johnson
#75 September 2024
- Introduction
- Some Notes on Clichés, and then some Timofei Gerber
- The Non-Linear Dynamics of Moral Judgments: Hume’s Response to Cultural Relativism John C. Brady
- Diverse Thoughts on the Lightly Enlightened, circa 17th Century France, Part IV Trent Portigal
- Kripke’s Critique of Materialism Debunked Ermanno Bencivenga
#74 August 2024
- Introduction
- Max Ernst and the Schizoanalysis of Nature Mehdi Parsa
- Logic Of Contradiction: On Łukasiewicz’s critique of the Aristotelean formulations of the principle of contradiction Felipe Bertoldo
- The Existential Trap: Is Suicide an Escape? Elliott R. Crozat
- Magic and Wonder: A Brief Reflection on “Wonderstruck” by Helen De Cruz Bernard Wills
#73 July 2024
- Introduction
- The Bio-Politics of Artificial Intelligence: Pastoral Technologies and Eschatological Narratives Giorgi Vachnadze
- Welcome to the World|ω・`)! Berkeley’s Idealism, Anachronistically, “Dialectically” Raphael Chim
- On Identity, Necessary and Contingent. Or: How the precision of a formal language can be fool’s gold Ermanno Bencivenga
- Diverse Thoughts on the Lightly Enlightened, circa 17th Century France, Part III Trent Portigal
#72 June 2024
- Introduction
- Laughing at Darkness: Bataille’s Theory of Laughter Tung-Wei Ko
- Schelling on the Organic Genesis of Space John C. Brady
- Justice and Blindness: Antinomies of Violence Turner Roth
- Diverse Thoughts on the Lightly Enlightened, circa 17th Century France, Part II Trent Portigal
#71 April 2024
- Introduction
- “Would Humanity Be Healthier Without The State?” A. Scott Buch
- The Power of All Powers: Yogic and European Philosophies of Power in Conversation Aamir Kaderbhai
- Understanding Edgar Allan Poe Ermanno Bencivenga
- Diverse Thoughts on the Lightly Enlightened, circa 17th Century France, Part I Trent Portigal
#70 March 2024
- Introduction
- The subject of politics of visibility in Jacques Rancière and Peggy Phelan Andrei Ivan Mamal
- What Makes a Syllogism Perfect in Aristotle’s Assertoric Syllogistic? Minxing Huang
- Time Explained Ermanno Bencivenga
- Semiotics of the End: After the End of All Things Alessandro Sbordoni
#69 February 2024
- Introduction
- A Locus of Contradiction: On Georges Bataille’s Sovereignty Tung-Wei Ko
- The Reality of Violence: Reflections on the genocide in Gaza Ermanno Bencivenga
- Berkeley/Norinaga/Marx; Awareanalysis, Part 2: Capitalism, burnout, depression Raphael Chim
- ‘Of the Mode of Voting’ by John Stuart Mill (and of Over-Sharing) Stephen Leach
#68 December 2023
- Introduction
- Philosophical Prolegomena to Fiction and the Unsayable Giorgi Vachnadze
- Berkeley/Norinaga/Marx; Awareanalysis, Part 1: exchange, discourse, morality, feelings Raphael Chim
- Freedom (of the Will) Resolved Ermanno Bencivenga
- The Zombification of the Public Forum Christopher Brown
#67 November 2023
- Introduction
- Doing (the) Nothing: Eric Santner and Giorgio Agamben on Suspending the Apparatus of Glory Timothy Lavenz
Berkeley/Norinaga/Marx: Money, capital, “solarpunk”,
othersRaphael Chim - Libidinal Politics: The Role of Sexuality and Desire in Legal Embodiment Riley Clare Valentine
- On the Social Utility of Religion John Lumsden
#66 October 2023
- Introduction
- What is the Science of Linguistics a Science of? Ermanno Bencivenga
- Can Causation be Justified from a Logical Point of View? Felipe Bertoldo
- Money and the dance of the three: Marx; Motoori Norinaga Raphael Chim
- Descartes’ “Second Meditation” Video
#65 September 2023
- Introduction
- What is “any” life? Delimitations of the biographical in “It’s Such a Beautiful Day” (2012) Timofei Gerber
- Heidegger’s Bots: The Birth and Death of Responsible Artificial Intelligence Chris Tessone
Section 23: The Berkeleian Unconscious;
MarxRaphael Chim - Schelling’s “First Outline of System of the Philosophy of Nature”, (Introduction) Video
#64 August 2023
- Introduction
- On The Validity of Normative Life: Habermas’ Discourse Ethics Rowan Anderson
- Between Historical Reduction & Metaphysical Construction: Critiques of Representation in Foucault and Deleuze Turner Roth
- Kant on the Problem of the Organism John C. Brady
- Popular and Generational Shifts in Cultural Capital Diego Galán
#63 June 2023
- Introduction
- Maine de Biran and the Dynamism of Habit. The History of French Vitalism Christopher Satoor
- Transcendental Idealism at Work with Fictional Objects and Names Ermanno Bencivenga
- “I don’t feel like working today”: Meditations on object uses, exchanges, self-blame, suicidal ideation, and revolution Raphael Chim
- Scepticism and Scientism: On the possibility of new principles in the theory of knowledge Felipe Bertoldo
#62 May 2023
- Introduction
- Is Artificial Intelligence Self-Conscious? Or: How to bark up the wrong tree Ermanno Bencivenga
- Vital Signs: Capitalism, Aspiration, and Intensity Jack Graveney
- Existence and Psychosis: Between Ludwig Binswanger and Henri Maldiney Turner Roth
- Rousseau’s Teeter-Tawter: Inmate Reflections on a Prison Mural Trent Portigal
#61 April 2023
- Introduction
- Too Much or Never Enough: Excess, Success, and Happiness under Capitalism Jack Graveney
- Unsaturated Entities and the Unity of Science Ermanno Bencivenga
- Reading Cicero’s “De Amicitia” at 17 Frank Breslin
- Mad Utopias – Using Madness as Political Praxis Riley Clare Valentine
- Deleuze’s “The Logic of Sense”, (Chapter 9, Ninth Series of the Problematic) Video
#60 March 2023
- Introduction
- Hannah Arendt: Culture as Care and Resistance Timofei Gerber
- The Tao of Dialectic Antonio Wolf
- Do we need an enlightened Anthropocentrism? Erich Fromm and the Contradiction of Human Existence Florian Maiwald
- In a Manner of Speaking: A vindication of potential infinity Ermanno Bencivenga
#59 February 2023
- Introduction
- Daoxue: The Virtue of Being Antonio Wolf
- God as Transcendental in Kant and Hegel – from Possibility to Actuality Andrew Karpinski
- Madwomen and Witches: Terror-Inspired Sublimity in Women’s Embodied Literature Ruska Mumladze
- Music, Art for the Soul Rowan Anderson
#58 January 2023
- Introduction
- Philosophy and Common Sense Stephen Leach
- What Is Knowledge? An immanent critique of education Zifeng
- Incompatible Parameters in Quantum Mechanics and Beyond Ermanno Bencivenga
- Marx’s Concept of Activity Marc Choufany
#57 November 2022
- Introduction
- The Quantum Synthesis of The World: A Kantian resolution of the mystery of quantum mechanics Ermanno Bencivenga
- Negativity and Aletheia of Being in Fichte Jovan Mitić
- After Magritte #5: Hegel at the Beach Gray Kochhar-Lindgren
- Kant’s “The Transcendental Aesthetic (Part I, Of Space)” Video
#56 October 2022
- Introduction
- The Influence of Plato on Schelling’s Living Cosmos: the “Timaeus”, the “Freedom Essay,” and “Ages of the World” Christopher Satoor
- The Marquis de Sade and Immanuel Kant: The Odd Couple Stephen Leach
- The Aporetics of Longtermism: Are You Morally Obligated to Future Persons? Elliott R. Crozat
- The Burden of Freedom: Sartre’s Sleep and Fromm’s Awakening Florian Maiwald
#55 September 2022
- Introduction
- Liberty and Its Limits: A personal reflection Arianna Marchetti
- To build a universalism from Japan: Neo-Norinagism Raphael Chim
- The Democratic Importance of William James (a dialogue with T. Gerber) J. Edward Hackett
- The Materiality of Politics: Reading the Works of ORLAN and Stelarc Ayush Jain
#54 July 2022
- Introduction
- The Pragmatism of William James Timofei Gerber
- Hegel’s 1803 Ethics: Perception and the General Will Antonio Wolf
- Deleuze on Ideas, Dialectics, and Multiplicities John C. Brady
- Overturning the Catechism: A Catholic Argument for Abortion Riley Clare Valentine
- Deleuze’s “Ideas and The Synthesis of Difference” Video
#53 June 2022
- Introduction
- Dialectic of the Public and Private Uses of Reason: Kant and Lacan Zifeng
- Hegel’s 1803 Ethics: Rationalism and the Moral Law Antonio Wolf
- The Comeback Of Leibnizian Optimism Arianna Marchetti
- Bergson on Problems John C. Brady
#52 May 2022
- Introduction
- Hegel’s 1803 Ethics: Empiricism and the State of Nature Antonio Wolf
- Hegel’s Conceptual Materialism: Finding Meaning in the Material World Jarrad Felgenhauer
- By the shores of the inverted sea: Resistance, Contentment, and Extinction in Motoori Norinaga Raphael Chim
- Border Crossing in the Time of Pandemic: COVID-19, mobility, belonging, and citizenship Edward Shiener
#51 April 2022
- Introduction
- Recollection & Life: Bergson’s Metaphysics of Memory Rowan Anderson
- The Reality That Would Be Dreamed: George MacDonald’s “Lilith” as a Response to Solipsistic Illusion Antonio Wolf
- With Them Without Words: A non-dual heritage of future language in Tzara, Derrida, Schlegel, and beyond Timothy Lavenz
- Mantriatic Reality and Living After Postmodernity Diego Galán
#50 March 2022
- Introduction
- Creative Recollection: Bergson’s Theory of Memory Rowan Anderson
- In The Depths We Sing: Psyche and depth in Motoori Norinaga Raphael Chim
- Hegel’s True Infinite – Beyond Immanence and Transcendence Andrew Karpinski
- Amilcar Cabral and John Dewey: For a Culture of Learning and Liberation Trent Portigal
#49 February 2022
- Introduction
- Intact Bodies: The Ambivalence of The Natural and The Normal in conversation with Clare Chambers
- Walter Benjamin and the Language of Disability Riley Clare Valentine
- The Ethical Leviathan – The state in times of social and economic fragility Ivelin M. Zvezdov
- Limitations of the Limitless: In response to “Reality+” and our VR future Heba Yosry
#48 January 2022
- Introduction
- The Near and Far Out: Virtuality, Extended Minds, and Reality+ in conversation with David Chalmers
- Is a Better World Possible? – John Stuart Mill, Manatees, and the Social Utopia Florian Maiwald
- The Sign and the Symbolique: Participative Epistemologies from Bergson to Schwaller de Lubicz Nathan Deitcher
- Spinoza’s “The Ethics (Book III)” Video
#47 December 2021
- Introduction
- The Ethics of Proximity: A Defense of Different Ethical Duties to Friends and Family Antonio Wolf
- On Kierkegaard and the Autobiographical Self Timofei Gerber
- Socrates’ Garden of Letters: On Writing, Relays, and Discourse Trent Portigal
- The Specter of Reality TV Alexandra Fall
#46 November 2021
- Introduction
- A Transcendental Reading of Heidegger’s ‘What is Metaphysics?’ Rowan Anderson
- Deleuze/Heidegger: Motivation and method in Plato’s search for the simulacrum Derek Hampson
- The Path’s Forking: Toward a dialetheic account of Heidegger’s Truth Andrej Jovićević
- New Materialism and Post-Humanism: The Philosophy of Nature, Information, and Technology in conversation with Patrick O'Connor, Bill Ross, and David Webb
#45 October 2021
- Introduction
- Becoming-Woman and Ontological Dismemberment: Reflections on women and animals María Luisa Bacarlett Pérez
- Science, Ideology, and Biopolitics in The Times of Covid-19 Arianna Marchetti
- Libertarianism as a Programmatically Incoherent Social Philosophy Robert Donoghue
- Wilhelm Reich on Class Consciousness and Voluntary Servitude Timofei Gerber
#44 September 2021
- Introduction
- Wilhelm Reich on Pleasure and the Genesis of Anxiety Timofei Gerber
- How To Pull An Ought From An Is: Hegel’s Being to Ought Antonio Wolf
- Fighting Bodies: A Genealogy of the Ring Giorgi Vachnadze
- The Structure of Meaning in Experience: Rediscovering that which has been lost Jacob Bell
#43 August 2021
- Introduction
- Rebel Without a Cause – Reconstructing Free Will in Bergson Rowan Anderson
- Spinoza, Nietzsche, and the Error of Free Will Daniel Pacheco
- Émile Benveniste and Linguistic Necessity Trent Portigal
- The Cult of Life: When the Drive to Life Becomes Deadly Arianna Marchetti
- Hume’s “Of Personal Identity” Video
#42 July 2021
- Introduction
- Alain Badiou – The Theory of Covering and the Ethics of the Idea Timothy Lavenz
- Nineteenth Century Interpretations of Thought and the Claims of Twenty-First Century Science GW Middleton
- Views of Reality from Stagecraft, Science, and ‘Nowhere’ Venkat Ramanan
- Neo-Berkeleyan Meditations on Systems, Rules, Freedom, Death, and the Last of my Kind Raphael Chim
#41 June 2021
- Introduction
- Sartre on the Body in “Being and Nothingness” Jacob Saliba
- Concepts Between Kant and Deleuze: From Transcendental Idealism to Transcendental Empiricism Andrej Jovićević
- Berserk Metaphysics: On the Idea of Evil Antonio Wolf
- The Future of Thinking in a Digital Age Ronald K.L. Collins
#40 May 2021
- Introduction
- From Kant Back to Plato: Iris Murdoch’s Moral Philosophy on Love and Vision Eve Y. Lin
- Initial Baptism of a Prison Mural: Depression-Era Art and Human Closeness Trent Portigal
- On Psychic and Collective Individuation: From Simondon to Stiegler Matt Bluemink
- Fichte and Hegel On The Definition of Concepts Antonio Wolf
#39 April 2021
- Introduction
- Gabriel Marcel’s ‘Being and Having’: An Interpretation of Embodiment and Being Jacob Saliba
- Emotional Phenomenology: Franz Brentano and Feeling Theory Daniel Rhodes
- Inverting Philosophy: A Commentary on Henri Bergson’s ‘An Introduction to Metaphysics’ Rowan Anderson
- Pre-Individual Intensities: Revisiting Hume’s Identity Problem John C. Brady
#38 March 2021
- Introduction
- Windowmancy and the New Poverty Trent Portigal
- The Magnanimity of Spirit: On the Human Consideration of Animals Antonio Wolf
- The Gig Economy, Flexibility, and Workplace Freedom Robert Donoghue
- Once Upon a Gaze: On a missing column at the Acropolis of Athens Konstantinos Poulis
#37 February 2021
- Introduction
- Parachute Woman: Simone Weil’s Front-Line Nurses Proposal Ronald K.L. Collins
- The Phenomenological Panopticon and the Historical a Priori: Towards a Genealogy of the Transcendental Subject Giorgi Vachnadze
- Truth, Belief and Illusion in Nietzsche’s “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” Declan Lloyd
- Spinoza and “Anti-Oedipus.” On Desiring One’s Own Suppression Timofei Gerber
- Leibniz’s “The Monadology” Video
#36 December 2020
- Introduction
- On Virtuality: Deleuze, Bergson, Simondon Matt Bluemink
- What Is A Monad? Leibniz’s Monadology John C. Brady
- Phenomenology — Eine Übersichtliche Darstellung Giorgi Vachnadze
- Some Notes on Berkeley and the After-life Raphael Chim
#35 October 2020
- Introduction
- The Octopus and the Machine Samuel Ludford
- An Examination of Bullshit Elliott R. Crozat
- Advanced Abstention. Democracy, Anarchism and Anti-Vote Candidates Trent Portigal
- Angelic Progress — Walter Benjamin and Liberal Destruction Riley Clare Valentine
#34 September 2020
- Introduction
- Gilbert Simondon and the Process of Individuation Matt Bluemink
- Deleuze on Problems, Singularities, and Events John C. Brady
- An Impersonal Liberalism: Simone Weil and the Sacred Riley Clare Valentine
- The Agency of Objects Ron Richardson
- Marx’s “The Fetishism of The Commodity And Its Secret” Video
#33 July 2020
- Introduction
- Gaze Against the Machine: Counter-visuality and hyperreal strategies in the Hong Kong protests George Harry James
- Micro-Totalitarianism and the Search for a ‘Knowledge of the Whole’ Alex Gooch
- Sovereign Disregard: On Bataille’s Accursed Share Timothy Lavenz
- America v. Cartesianism: William James’ Philosophy in the Poetry of Stevens and Frost Roy Carrillo
#32 June 2020
- Introduction
- Agency in the Age of Covid Dónal Mac Erlaine
- Agency: Illusion vs Gestalt. In Response to Sam Harris Cedric Shannon
- Four Readings of Leo Strauss Alex Gooch
- Marx and “Anti-Oedipus.” On Desiring One’s Own Suppression Timofei Gerber
#31 May 2020
- Introduction
- The Poverty of Bioethics: Medical Austerity, Distributive Justice, and Disability Anthony James Gavin
- “Everybody knows the plague is coming”: Thinking the Apocalypse with Leonard Cohen Simone Webb
- Gilles Deleuze: Tracing Genesis in Kant’s Critique of Judgment Derek Hampson
- Can We Make Objective Judgements of Taste? Rowan Anderson
#30 April 2020
- Introduction
- The Values of the Australian Bushfires Diane Delaurens
- Beyond the Ruins of Neoliberalism: Diagnosing the Present and Demanding the Future Matt Bluemink
- Marx and “Anti-Oedipus.” Production, Distribution, Fetishism Timofei Gerber
- On Antinatalism and Depression Sam Woolfe
#29 March 2020
- Introduction
- Frege & Foucault on the Conditions of Thought John C. Brady
- The Jester: On the Kinship between Philosophy and Comedy J.P. Pereira
- Immanent Emerson: The Poetics of Constitution Stephen Essen
#28 January 2020
- Introduction
- A Decolonial Feminism in conversation with Françoise Vergès
- Existentialist Hero vs. Ordinary Language Man: Iris Murdoch Confronting Sartre and Wittgenstein Eve Y. Lin
- Bringing People Closer: Cicero, Hierocles, and Cosmopolitanism Will Johncock
- Manufacturing Authenticity: How We Yearn for the Real and Fall for the Fake Martijn Visser
#27 December 2019
- Introduction
- Self-Defense, Necessary Force, and the Ethics of Modern Warfare in conversation with Helen Frowe
- Frantz Fanon: Anticolonial Revolutions and Revolutionary Theory Timofei Gerber
- How to Drive a Car: A Defense of Achievement as Competence Christopher Carroll
- Why Thoughts Are Not In The Head: Frege on Sense John C. Brady
#26 October 2019
- Introduction
- Revisiting Adorno’s “Jargon of Authenticity” (1964) Timofei Gerber
- How Silent Reading Gave Birth to the Modern Subject Tollef Graff Hugo
- Some Notes on the Ethics of Knowledge in Plato’s Gorgias John C. Brady
- Plato’s “Gorgias” Video
#25 August 2019
- Introduction
- Forced to be Free: Rethinking the Terms of Rousseau’s ‘Social Contract’ Tyler Loveless
- The Stars Were Not Made For Us: Veganism, ownership, and abolitionism Benedict O’Connell
- Bergson, Daydreamers, and Sticklers: Seeking Individuation in Laughter Timofei Gerber
- Foucault’s “Discursive Formations” Video
#24 July 2019
- Introduction
- Stoics Are Already Standing Up Kai Whiting
- What is the Price of our Attention? Quentin Le Garrec
- Kant and the Contraption: A Thought Experiment John C. Brady
#23 June 2019
- Introduction
- Stand Up, Don’t Be a Stoic! Dannica Fleuss
- A Short Meditation on Grief Timofei Gerber
- What is Modern Philosophy? Frank Breslin
- Reverberating Mazes: Exploring Consciousness with Michel Serres John C. Brady
#22 April 2019
- Introduction
- C.S. Peirce on Science and Belief Brian Kemple
- Stoic Practical Philosophy: A Guide for Life? Carl O’Brien
- The Irreducible Instant: Descartes’ Thinking Substance John C. Brady
- Kierkegaardian Love and Resignation Timofei Gerber
#21 March 2019
- Introduction
- What’s Wrong with Lewis Carroll’s Tortoise? Thomas Morrison
- From Habitus to Habits: The Origin of Lifestyle Practices Tami Bulmash
- Parallax Stephen Hoffman
- Deleuze’s “The Logic of Sense”, (Chapters 1 & 2) Video
#20 February 2019
- Introduction
- How Neoliberalism Failed to Keep Fascism at Bay Michaias Grigori
- Learnification and the Attack on Education Cary Campbell
- On the Question of Progress in Philosophy John Park
- Eros and Thanatos: Freud’s two fundamental drives Timofei Gerber
#19 January 2019
- Introduction
- The Continuity of Being: C.S. Peirce’s Philosophy of Synechism Brian Kemple
- Against Ontology: A Naturalist Critique on Two Varieties of Mathematical Structuralism Jio Jeong
- Some Notes on Foucault on Discourse John C. Brady
- What is Vitalism? Timofei Gerber
#18 November 2018
#17 October 2018
- Introduction
- Better To Have Loved & Lost: Recognition, Love, And Self Antonio Wolf
- Who Are The Sellouts? Lancelot Kirby
- What Laughs at What? Mary Douglas on Humour John C. Brady
- Merleau-Ponty’s “Association and the Projection of Memories” Video
#16 September 2018
- Introduction
- Avicenna’s Connotational Attributes, Mickey Mouse, and Sex Dolls Anthony Kroytor
- Kierkegaard’s Recognition in conversation with Jamie Aroosi
- Thinking the Political with Thomas Hobbes Timofei Gerber
- A Problem Based Reading of Nussbaum’s Virtue Ethics John C. Brady
- Un-coming Raphael Chim
#15 July 2018
- Introduction
- An Aesthetics of Injury from Baudelaire to Tarantino in conversation with Prof. Ian Fleishman
- Against Consolations, Alain De Botton, and the Demand for Accessibility Ranier Abengaña
- Narrating Life. Dimensions of the Biographical in “Millenium Actress” Timofei Gerber
- A Guide to Timothy Morton’s Humankind Omar Baig
- Pulling the Normative Threads of Heidegger’s ‘Das Man’ John C. Brady
- Bergson’s “The Possible and The Real” Video
#14 June 2018
- Introduction
- The Owl At Dusk: Hegel’s Philosophy of Learning Antonio Wolf
- Kant and The Idealists’ Reality Problem John C. Brady
- Revisiting The Art-Life Balance In “The Square” Timofei Gerber
- Kierkegaard on the Paradox of Faith and Political Commitment Lancelot Kirby
#13 May 2018
- Introduction
- Crooks, Elitists, and the Progress of Philosophy in conversation with Julian Baggini
- The Problems of Science: What We Do to Things When We Study Them Maarten van Doorn
- Defending the Classical Languages from the Charges of Racism Carl O’Brien
- Practicing ‘Literariness’: a reminder for philosophers and philosophasters Cary Campbell
- The Harmonic Void: Descartes’ Extended Substance John C. Brady
#12 March 2018
- Introduction
- Adam Smith as Systematic Philosopher and Public Thinker in conversation with Prof. Eric Schliesser
- Transcendence through Suffering. A Eulogy to Martyrdom Timofei Gerber
- There’s Something About Walking Justin Richards
- A Disdain for the Discrete: How Art Transcends Logic and Language Venkat Ramanan
- Heidegger’s “The Being of the Entities Encountered in the Environment” Video
#11 February 2018
- Introduction
- Nietzsche’s Rift: Heidegger’s Pathway to Thinking Justin Richards
- Chaplin’s Stuttering Body. The Utopian Potential of Film Timofei Gerber
- Ships, Persons, and Hegelian Selves Antonio Wolf
- Navigating Post Truth: Nietzsche Contra Plato John C. Brady
#10 January 2018
- Introduction
- Hermann Hesse’s Steppenwolf — Accepting the Shadow Frank Breslin
- The Limits of Dialectics: Logical Necessity And Empirical Contingency Antonio Wolf
- Nietzsche and Freud on The Subject as Territory John C. Brady
- On Absurdity. Adorno, Beckett, and the Demise of Existentialism Timofei Gerber
#09 December 2017
- Introduction
- On Honneth’s Reification: or why Marx is not (yet) the messiah Daniel Rhodes
- Coraline and Freud. Distinguishing Being and Semblance Timofei Gerber
- What is Dasein? John C. Brady
- Colosseum Blake Stone-Banks
- Nietzsche’s “How the ‘Real World’ at last Became a Myth” Video
#08 November 2017
- Introduction
- Sublime Borders: Schiller’s Will and Nietzsche’s Will-to-Power Daniel Rhodes
- Emerson’s Experience: Present and Eternity Colliding Oshan Jarow
- Giving Thanks: Heidegger’s Pathway into Thinking Justin Richards
- The Scandal of Qualia: Bergson and Dennett on Interiority John C. Brady
- Crashing the Metaphysical Party: Walter Benjamin on Knowing and Thinking Timofei Gerber
- The Negation of Motion Hiroshi Satow
#07 October 2017
- Introduction
- Crimes of Logic in Kant’s Universal History Truman Chen
- Hegel: We’re All Idealists, Just The Bad Kind Antonio Wolf
- Kierkegaard’s Patience Timofei Gerber
- The Thing-in-itself: A Problem Child John C. Brady
- Deleuze’s “The Image of Thought” Video
#06 September 2017
- Introduction
- A Few Notes On Post-Modernism Timofei Gerber
- “Ethics Matters”: A New TV Series in conversation with Dan Halliday
- The Political Dimensions of Time: A Polemic Brendan De Paor-Moore
- You and I, I and It: Martin Buber’s I and Thou Justin Richards
- Lacan on Satisfaction John C. Brady
- Arendt’s “Philosophy & Politics” Video
#05 August 2017
- Introduction
- Hope Speaks: Eagleton, King Lear, and Star Wars Jedd Cole
- A Tale of Two Socrates: Part Two Justin Richards
- Other Than The Present: A Schema for Time Brendan De Paor-Moore
- Remembering our Limits: The Ritual of Taizé as a Gesture of Humanity Tollef Graff Hugo
- Adorno’s Negativity: Suffering Devoid of Sense, Sense Without Suffering Timofei Gerber
#04 July 2017
- Introduction
- Into Abstraction and Back Again Tollef Graff Hugo
- What is a Law of Nature? Andrés Ruiz
- A Tale of Two Socrates: Part One Justin Richards
- Revisiting the Noumenon John C. Brady
- Finding Meaning in Decay: Bill Morrison’s DECASIA Timofei Gerber
#03 June 2017
- Introduction
- Bergson — Philosophy as Attention Timofei Gerber
- Thoreau on Friendship and Solitude Justin Richards
- Can Evolution Debunk our Moral Beliefs? Andrés Ruiz
- Deleuze on Sense, Series, Structures, Signifiers and Snarks (Part A) John C. Brady
- Deleuze on Sense, Series, Structures, Signifiers and Snarks (Part B) John C. Brady
- Freud’s “The Ego & The Id” Video
#02 May 2017
- Introduction
- Freud on The Subject/Object Division John C. Brady
- Anomalisa, or The Effort of Recognition Timofei Gerber
- Enframing, Inhabitation, Skateboarding Justin Richards
- Individualism from a Hegelian Perspective Cheong Cheng Wen
- Bergson with “Deleuze’s Grounding Heuristic” John C. Brady
#01 April 2017
- Introduction
- Heidegger’s “Question of Technology” Justin Richards
- Concept: Using a Deleuzian Axiom as Heuristic John C. Brady
- Plotting Escape Routes: Individuation in 1984 and Brazil (1985) Timofei Gerber
- Astral Escapism, or “Collective Dreaming in The Visage of China” Jordan Mitchell
- The White and Almost Bones Brendan De Paor-Moore